Monday, January 12, 2009

The weight loss challenge

Ok so my family is having a Biggest looser challenge to see which one of us can get ourselves back into shape and shed the pounds. I am having a difficult time getting myself motivated. I really want to loose the weight and look good by my b-day in May, but just don't feel like actually doing anything. I need some help getting motivated...any ideas? The biggest problem for me is my funky schedule, and the trials and tribulations of eating out of my lunch bag that is usually packed with the leftovers from our fridge....not always the healthiest choices. I am also just not really motivated to get my butt moving. First off I just need to make it more of a priority and just get going....easier said than done. (As I sit here in my hotel room and avoid the work out room, maybe Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The key is getting started!! I know thats the hardest part but once you do'll become addicted! MAKE yourself go...even if you have to crawl all the way there lol and I promise it will get easier :) The first time you put on your jeans and they dont fit as well...cuz they are too big! will feel great. I had a really tough time getting motivated after having my daughter...but once I did I felt so much better! I think its an awesome thing your family is doing and I wish you tons of luck!