My cousin is visiting AZ for the first time and so I decided to take him up to the Grand Canyon . On the drive up, we decided to stop and do some hiking in Sedona. We hiked a pretty easy trail and really enjoyed the beautiful views. I almost lost my keys on the hike and joked to my cousin how he was never going to make it to the Grand Canyon because we were going to have to spend the whole time searching for my keys in the dessert. Luckily I didn't drop them on our hike and we headed on the scenic route to Flagstaff. We stopped at the Canyon Creek overview and had our lunch. FYI it was a bit chilly with some snow on the ground. I handed my cousin the keys because I was going to the bathroom. As I headed to the car, he was headed towards me. I asked him, "What, change your mind and want to make a pit stop before the long drive?" He says "No, you won't believe this, but I just locked the keys in the trunk." I responded, "Ya right, funny joke, hand me the keys I'm cold and we need to get moving if we are going to get there before sunset." Well it turns out he really did lock the keys in the trunk. We were lucky and the overview had some vendors who had a phone number for a locksmith. About 20-30 mins later we were rescued by the locksmith who spent all of maybe 1 min to unlock my car and earned a whopping $ I wish I could make $75 for about a one minute job.
We didn't let this ruin our trip and were able to get to the Grand Canyon in time for sunset. It was just as beautiful as I remember, but really cold this time of year. We stayed the night and did a bit more driving through the Grand Canyon before heading back to Phoenix.
Not sure if my cousin is going to want to return to PHX because besides locking my keys in the car he also lost his debit card. I told him it could be worse, you could be in a third world country and loose your debit card. My mom advised him to make sure he doesn't lose his license or he might have to drive back to Nebraska, lol. I'll post some photographs of our adventure soon.
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