Saturday, February 7, 2009

I'm on Vacation

Yah! I am on vacation from my job at the airlines for 17 days! I do have to work at my part time job for part of the time, but am planning a fun little getaway to visit some friends and family.

First little getaway was the Grand Canyon...see previous post for details.

Next up is Atlanta to visit Julie, Sean, and the lovely miss Vivvy. I will stay with the Blonk family and get to spend some time with the cute little one who has grown so much since my last visit. The one major downside to having a part time job, I haven't had any time to visit any family or friends on my days off since I don't have any.

I plan to jet to Orlando for "Kill Cupid" or "Valentine's" weekend as the rest of you refer to it, to spend with my also single cousin. Many drinks will be had and a viewing of "He's just not that into you" will be a must on the agenda.

I'm planning a girls night with some DZ friends in the Valley before heading back to my part time job and then unfortunately back to flying. This Vacation will be the first in almost 6 years where I have not left the country. I am a bit sad about this fact, but still very excited to see my friends and family. Hey maybe I'll make a Mexico run just to meet the


B-ROD said...

hope you have fun but safe days off shelly.

B-ROD said...

have fun how your days off. I'm counting my days untill my vacation.