Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Waste or not?

Let me explain first off as all of you know I am single and fly the friendly skies. I've always had this fantasy of meeting the man of my dreams on flight and so I always keep my eyes open. Today I had the pleasure of meeting this cutie, Chris on my flight to Boston. Now from our quick conversation I figured out he is probably a bit younger than I would consider dating but I flirted anyway. We chatted about why he was heading to Boston and where he lived and what he did for a living. I won't bore you with the details, but I was intrigued and hoping to find out more. I bought him a beverage on the flight and hoped that maybe he would come to the bathroom and start another conversation, but unfortunately the one time he went to the loo, I was up front. Then I was hoping he would stop on his way out and ask if I wanted to have dinner or drinks or something because he knew I was just in for the night and he was too. I had even written my phone number on a napkin and had it ready in my pocket in case he asked, but nope either he was too chicken or maybe he has a girlfriend. I get so frustrated when I put myself out there then nothing comes out of it a waste of a good flirt or not? I guess practice makes perfect and if the guy was interested he would have found any way to get my number. Well Chris you missed out! Maybe I'll have better luck tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Honestly, if you had written your phone number down, you should have given it to him without him asking. Worst case scenario is he doesn't call you - which is exactly where you are now.